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Disposable browsers
🦄 Unicorner Startup of the Week: SquareX
✍️ Notes from the Editors
Tech Weeks are approaching! If you’re in SF, enjoy the coming week of tech events. If you’re in LA, we’re excited to attend some awesome get-togethers with you in two weeks. Check out the full list of events.
As for NYC-ers… stay tuned. 👀
If you’re in LA, come grab lunch with us at LA Tech Week 2023. We want to make this a casual break in your busy week—swing by for a nice chat with great people.
Last week’s poll: 55% of votes for “NYC tech week”
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Disposable browsers
SquareX is a Singapore-based cybersecurity startup targeting internet users. It acts as a shield for web surfers by integrating with browsers as an extension, letting users open links and files in disposable browsers which serve as temporary container sandboxes. These browsers run in SquareX’s data centers so threats don’t reach users, who in turn don’t need to worry about their personal information being exposed.
🔗 Check it out: sqrx.com

💰 Business Model
SquareX is currently available for users who wish to test drive the product, which is accessible through a waitlist on the company’s website. It runs under a subscription-based model with multiple tiers for users to choose from, using a freemium model.
📈 Traction and Fundraising
Raised $6 million seed round from Sequoia South East Asia.
Aims to focus on attracting young internet users and early adopters, recognizing influencer marketing as a potentially crucial avenue for spreading the message.
Has set aside a prize pool of $25,000 to launch a Bug Bounty Program, which gives the global hacker and cybersecurity communities the chance to stress-test SquareX’s product. Sign-ups are available on its website.
👫 Founders
Vivek Ramachandran, CEO: Previously Founder and Editor-in-Chief @ VRN Comics, Founder and CEO @ Pentester Academy, Electronics and Communications Engineering @ Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
💼 Opportunities
SquareX is on the lookout for talent in both technical and Go-To-Market segments. Interested candidates can send the team an email for more info.

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🔮 Our Analysis
With more than 45% of internet users concerned about protecting their privacy on the web, as well as the growing threat of browser vulnerabilities, online protection has become a worldwide necessity. SquareX is addressing this problem by offering a solution that is easily differentiable from VPNs, the current answer the market has in store. By acting as a browser extension instead of installable software, SquareX is able to function as long as web traffic is allowed, whereas a VPN might suffer should the network disable VPN ports or protocols. With SquareX, only the browser tab is served from a remote location instead of the whole computer, where the latter may prevent certain applications from working. Most importantly, SquareX fully protects users against file-based attacks using a “Document Sandbox,” which VPNs aren’t capable of. Given that SquareX offers a brilliant solution to a rising challenge in the world, it is bound for a successful and fearless future.
📚 Further Reading
Written by Manvel Muradyan
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